Mobile dental hygiene care.

(613) 770-3801

Serving the Kingston, Napanee, Gananoque and South Frontenac areas.

Beginning the Best Response – Dental Home Care and Parkinson’s Disease

While the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease may be difficult to accept, there are many things you can do to help manage its impact on your family. As a patient, family member, or caregiver, you have just received the sad diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. After you understand the symptoms, treatments, and prognosis, you may remain confident that you can and should actively develop a positive and productive part in minimizing its effects on your family.

The first thing I recommend doing is learning as much as possible about the disease. You can easily find important information in your local library, medical literature, or Internet resource. Once you do so, you’ll recognize Parkinson’s as a progressive central nervous system disease. Its primary effect is on movement, often including tremors. This status is generally followed by stiffness and slowed mobility. Currently, there are no available cures, but various medications can positively affect the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene if you have Parkinson's disease

If you or your loved one is living with Parkinson’s disease, it’s essential to maintain proper oral
hygiene. This can be difficult due to the side effects of the disease itself, as well as the medications that are prescribed to help manage it. You may notice a dry mouth and swollen gums, making chewing difficult and contributing to denture discomfort.

Behavior issues are also easily identified but harder to manage. With the progression of Parkinson’s, any and all movements become frustrating or impossible, resulting in imminent poor oral health.

Mobile healthcare services are one of the bright spots emerging in healthcare. Organizations have furnished nurses, physicians, personal support workers, pharmacists, dental hygienists, denturists, and dentists for private residences for several years. Whether you or your loved one live alone with relatives or in a residential care setting, healthcare professionals are immediately available to you—and this can eliminate transportation problems and add comfort and convenience to your home setting!

Get High-Quality Dental Hygiene Attention

Karen at Roving Dental Hygiene has distinguished herself as a premier caregiver for the entire
spectrum of oral health needs and concerns. Your most significant advantage is that these services are provided in the patient or resident’s home environment. Karen’s approach delivers the same high-quality dental attention in your home or long-term care room. We have the most effective and space-efficient equipment available. As a result, our tools are easily transported and removed without occupying space or inconveniencing members of your home setting.

Dementia, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s

More importantly, Karen is practiced at the specific needs and priorities of the home-based
community. These patients have often suffered the effects of stroke, dementia, diabetes,
Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s. Karen responds compassionately to these patient conditions while
addressing overall health and oral hygiene components.

Karen is a premier caregiver for oral health and denture needs and concerns. Your most significant advantage is that these services are provided in the patient or resident’s home environment. Roving Dental Hygiene is a Kingston-based company focusing on mobile dental hygiene services and in-home dental cleaning services for seniors in nursing homes, retirement homes, hospitals, and private residences. This service is available to residents in Kingston and the surrounding area, including Napanee, Deseronto, South Frontenac, and Gananoque. To book your dental home visit or inquire about any dental concerns, please contact Karen by phone at 613 770 3801 or email at

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